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Discover the Work You Were Born to Do

by James C. Gonyea

So you've been hearing that voice again, the one that  says you're not doing what you were born to do. That may be true, but how do you figure out what it is that you should be doing?

To begin answering this question, examine whether your current career path matches  your core interests, beliefs, values, needs and skills. Professional career  counselors usually undertake this strategy when attempting to help clients identify appropriate career directions.

Here's what  I ask clients to help them find their core. Ask yourself these questions and  record your answers.

    What subjects do you most  enjoy reading about?

    What television or radio programs do you most enjoy?

    What are your favorite types of movies?

    What are your favorite hobbies or pastimes?

    What type of volunteer activities do you prefer?

    What subjects do you enjoy discussing with friends?

    What subjects come to  mind when you daydream?

    What have been your  favorite jobs?

    What were your favorite  school subjects?

    What are your pet peeves?

    If you doodle, what do you often draw?

    If you ran the world,  what changes would you make?

    If you won a million bucks, what would you do with it?

    What are your favorite kinds of people?

    How would you like to be remembered after your death?

    What are your favorite toys?

    How would you describe your political beliefs?

    Who do you most admire in  life and why?

    What tasks have brought  you the most success?

    What tasks do you think  you could do well that you haven't yet done?

Examine your answers. Do you see a certain behavior or belief in more than one aspect of  your life? What information do you see repeated that seems to reveal a  behavior pattern? What are your long-lasting interests?

Using this information, paint a self-portrait by completing the following statements:

    I am mainly interested in…

    I believe most in…

    I most value…

    For a good life, I feel I  need…

    I can do the following well…

Now ask  yourself if your current job helps you achieve these five statements. If it does, you're probably in the right career. Chances are, however, that the nagging voice means your current career is not satisfying your core  features. If this is the case, then it's time to find a better fit.


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